Project to sanitary authorities for Canteen

Kiedy myślisz o otwarciu kantyny, jednym z najważniejszych kroków jest stworzenie profesjonalnego projektu technologicznego spełniającego wszelkie wymagania Sanepidu. W aGusto, specjalizujemy się w tworzeniu takich projektów, które są nie tylko zgodne z przepisami, ale również funkcjonalne i efektywne. Nasz Projekt Technologiczny dla Kantyny jest stworzony z myślą o najbardziej wymagających klientach, którzy cenią sobie wysoką jakość usług.

O Firmie a’Gusto

Nasza firma to zespół doświadczonych specjalistów, którzy z pasją i zaangażowaniem podchodzą do każdego projektu. Nasze certyfikaty świadczą o profesjonalizmie i jakości usług, które oferujemy naszym klientom. Pracując z nami, możesz być pewien, że Twój projekt kantyny zostanie zrealizowany z najwyższym poziomem dbałości o szczegóły.

Realizacje i Referencje

Jesteśmy dumni z naszych realizacji. Wiele firm i instytucji zaufało nam, powierzając nam wykonanie projektów technologicznych dla swoich kantyn. Nasze referencje są najlepszym dowodem na wysoką jakość usług, które oferujemy.

Współpraca z a’Gusto

W aGusto cieszymy się długotrwałą współpracą z naszymi klientami. Zawsze staramy się wyjść naprzeciw ich oczekiwaniom, dostarczając kompleksowe usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Oferujemy nie tylko stworzenie projektu technologicznego dla kantyny, ale również dostarczamy odpowiednie wyposażenie gastronomiczne oraz zapewniamy profesjonalny serwis urządzeń gastronomicznych.

Zaufaj Profesjonalizmowi i Doświadczeniu aGusto

Współpracując z nami, otrzymujesz nie tylko profesjonalny Projekt Technologiczny dla Kantyny, ale również wsparcie naszego doświadczonego zespołu. Nasza misja to zapewnienie najwyższej jakości usług i pełnej satysfakcji naszych klientów.

Nasze Projekty Technologiczne

Tworzymy projekty technologiczne dla różnego rodzaju placówek gastronomicznych. Nasze portfolio zawiera między innymi projekty dla restauracji, barów, bistro, a także cukierni i firm cateringowych. Bez względu na to, jak skomplikowany jest Twój projekt, jesteśmy gotowi sprostać wyzwaniu.

Wyposażenie Gastronomiczne od a’Gusto

Oprócz projektów technologicznych, oferujemy również szeroki wybór wyposażenia gastronomicznego. W naszej ofercie znajdują się zarówno sprzęt i urządzenia niezbędne do funkcjonowania każdej kantyny, jak również specjalistyczne wyposażenie dla barów, bistro, cukierni, firm cateringowych i wielu innych.

Zrealizuj Swój Projekt Kantyny z aGusto

Jeśli planujesz otworzyć kantynę i potrzebujesz profesjonalnego projektu technologicznego, skontaktuj się z nami. Gwarantujemy, że dostarczymy Ci projekt spełniający wszystkie wymagania Sanepidu, który jednocześnie będzie praktyczny i funkcjonalny.


Technological design of a catering establishment

The technological design of a catering establishment is the foundation needed to build a thriving business in the HoReCa industry.

When opening your own business in catering, you need to take care of many aspects. The most important are the elements that determine whether a restaurant or bar will even start. Only then is it worth focusing on the details.

Among the former, the most important requirements by far include whether the premises meet legal expectations, for example, with respect to SANEPID, fire regulations or health and safety.

The premises must also be adapted to the profile of the future business - this is primarily about its functionality, fitting in accordance with the square footage, as well as aesthetics

Technology solutions

Each catering establishment requires different technological solutions. Therefore, do not use ready-made plans.

The design of a catering establishment takes into account the answers to various questions. What kind of dishes will be served - defrosted, or perhaps prepared by hand and on the fly? Will the restaurant use meat or eggs? What will be the base for the meals - semi-finished products or only raw materials? Will the place have alcohol on offer? How will dishes and drinks be served?

The number of issues that need to be taken into account is really wide. Different solutions will be suitable for a kebab stall, others for a restaurant organizing parties, and even more different - for a catering company.

Project development process

The technological design of a catering establishment is created in two stages. Initially, a concept is prepared along with an estimate for implementation. This stage requires close cooperation with the client, because in addition to choosing a specific solution, we must refine it according to the wishes and expectations of the client, according to the conditions imposed by the premises itself and its infrastructure. Of course, here, as a result of the changes made, the originally assumed cost of implementation may change.

Preparation of the concept , assuming close cooperation on the part of the client, takes from 5 to 10 days. After approval of the developed concept, we proceed to the preparation of the actual project. The detailed design, consulted with SANEPID, stamped by an expert and compliant with fire safety regulations, is carried out within the next 10 days. Of course, the client can stop at the concept itself, resigning from the detailed design.

The cost (price) of preparing the concept and the project itself is a resultant of many factors. It depends , among other things, on the scale and complexity of the project, the gastronomic profile of the premises, the conditions of the premises, individual wishes of the customers, the solutions used.

What should be taken care of?

Each catering establishment requires different technological solutions. Therefore, do not use ready-made plans.

The design of a catering establishment takes into account the answers to various questions. What kind of dishes will be served - defrosted, or perhaps prepared by hand and on the fly? Will the restaurant use meat or eggs? What will be the base for the meals - semi-finished products or only raw materials? Will the place have alcohol on offer? How will dishes and drinks be served?

The number of issues that need to be taken into account is really wide. Different solutions will be suitable for a kebab stall, others for a restaurant organizing parties, and even more different - for a catering company.

What does the design of the premises include?

The introduction to a technological project is a description of the place in question and the work that will be done in it. Those who outsource technological projects for a catering establishment to our company can be sure of their reliability.

For each project, we include a list of documents that we strictly adhered to. These include laws, regulations and legal interpretations, as well as literature in the field of food service and sample catalogs from manufacturers of food service equipment.

In one place we group together all the documentation that is necessary to legally and functionally run your own premises. The project prepared by Agusto always complies with the regulations of SANEPID, fire safety and health and safety regulations.

We also proceed to make assumptions about where the food will be served, where it will be available to guests, how the dishes will be produced and stored, as well as the creation of social facilities. We develop a prototype for service and eventual delivery to customers


We carry out each technological project of a catering establishment comprehensively, so we also take care of things composed of many elements. We show our clients the steps they need to take to organize the correct technological processes. We consult each project with the local branch of SANEPID.

These are the answers to questions related to how to order and deliver products, how to store them properly and what to do with waste. Equally important is the careful design of individual rooms and employee positions. The technological design tells you how many people to employ and familiarizes you with the health and safety requirements that employees must meet.

At the very end, we add recommendations for the company that will carry out the project - the necessary guidelines for water and sewage systems, ventilation, gas and electrical installations. We also carry out the interior design, along with the proposed equipment. Before the final approval of the project by the client, we allow several changes to be made. We also participate in the acceptance of the premises by SANEPID

Who will sign up for this?

We are proud of our projects, as customers praise their usefulness and attention to the smallest elements. However, the technological design of a catering establishment still requires official approval from the relevant authorities.

Before we put into your hands the technological design of the catering establishment created by us, first the round seal of the health and safety expert, as well as the sanitary and hygienic expert, must appear under it. Only such documentation will be suitable to receive permission from the sanitary inspectorate.

Reliability, safety, convenience

For ten years now we have been offering our customers comprehensive technological projects for a catering establishment. We not only meet all the necessary legal requirements, standards and complex regulations, but above all, we help you realize your dreams.

This is often the most important motivation for our clients to open their own restaurant, pub or bar. We want to help you make your idea about your own business a reality.

We are proud when we see another of our customers spreading their wings in catering. We will enjoy your success as well - so don't hesitate to contact us now